I had the privaledge of meeting, Nick Drollette, an incredibly talented young photographer the other day....I recently recieved a friend request on Facebook, from a guy that I had never met. We messaged back and forth a few times, had some conversations about photography, I commented all his amazing photos, joined his photography group, visited his website, so we decided to meet.
Meeting Nick, honestly was like a answer to prayer. We shared Ideas, visions, and talked like we were industry professionals!!! As most of you may know, I have been working with another Photographer here in town and I love every minute of it, but meeting Nick, who is my age, has the same intrest and passions as me, has opened up doors, oppurtunities, and a knowledge that I would have never known if I hadn't met Nick. He has an incredible talent and has a tremendous future ahead of him. Nick and I have a couple of projects in the works, and I am thrilled to get the chance to work with him. He has dreams, ideas, goals, he is driven, and passionate. It was a blessing meeting Nick, and I look foward to not only working together, but seeing where the Lord takes him in the near furture.
Be sure and visit Nick Drollette.....