Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ethan Harris

Ok! SO I know these are long over due. I have the chance to photograph little Ethan Harris about 2 weeks ago. We went to  Southern Homes and Gardens on a Friday morning, and prayed the rain away. The skies were cloudy, wind was blowing, but we managed to get some photos. Ethan is a momma's boy. Defineintly not the type that wanted to be photographed. But we manged to get some shots. These are just a few of my fave black and whites. Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Train Tracks...

About 2 weeks ago, I had the privlege of helping out a friend for a photography piece he was working on. He is entering the a photo in a competition, and wanted something unqiue and different. Of course he chose a photo of just Morgan, but we couldnt get away with out a couple photos of me and Morgan!! Below are some images that Jonny took from his shoot. Enjoy!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Be My Friend...

Yes!!! I am just as addicted as YOU!!! I have been on Facebook for a while now, but I recently started uploading Images and tagging friends. I add lots of my favorite images from sessions and weddings, and tag my clients so that they can share with others. Of course there are those candid status updates, and personal photo uploads of mine..but I welcome new friends!!! Search my name: Evan Garrett Cooper
See ya online!!

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